What is the Difference Between Parole & Probation?

What is the Difference Between Parole & Probation?

arm holding open handcuffs

Probation and parole in Arizona are both forms of supervised release, but they differ in several ways. Understanding the difference between probation and parole is essential for anyone facing a criminal charge. As experienced criminal defense lawyers in Flagstaff, AZ, we often receive questions about the differences between these two forms of supervised release. In…

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Understanding Criminal Charges for Misdemeanors vs Felonies in Arizona


Understand Misdemeanors vs. felonies in Arizona. Antol & Sherman provide legal insights, ensuring confidence about the legal landscape.

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What Role Do Plea Bargains Play in the Legal System of Arizona?

Court house

Learn the role of plea bargains in Arizona and if it’s a potential solution to a criminal charge. Antol and Sherman can provide expert legal insights, ensuring you’re confident and prepared to reduce your criminal charge.

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Arizona’s Criminal Justice Process: What You Need to Know

three people in suits, lawyers, with paper and pens, a gavel and a stack of books with justice scales are on the table

In Arizona, like in most states, it is essential to understand the criminal justice process to navigate the legal system effectively. By familiarizing yourself with the laws specific to your state, you can better comprehend the intricacies of Arizona’s criminal justice system. In this blog, we hope to answer your most pressing questions about how criminal proceedings work in Arizona.

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9 Friends to Stay Away From This Tequila Sunrise

A man looking through a glass of dark liquor.

With the approach of Tequila Sunrise, we wanted to give you a few examples of people you should stay away from.

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